
About Us

Letter from the president

Welcome to Learning Forward Connecticut! All over the state of Connecticut, educators are seeking opportunities to collaborate and connect with one another. As Connecticut educators, we are striving to find ways to learn from local expertise with a commitment to equity and excellence in professional learning. Our mission states:

Learning Forward Connecticut builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning to improve instructional practices, promote equity, and advance leadership.

As an affiliate, Learning Forward Connecticut supports instructional leaders by:

Providing an active community of like-minded colleagues and professional learning experts from around the state.


Building local capacity, knowledge, and practices related to professional learning and facilitating high-quality professional learning related to managing change, measuring impact, and ensuring equity.


Hosting affiliate events ranging from expert speakers to book studies.


Collaborating with the RESC Alliance, District Leaders, and the State Department of Education.

Throughout the year, we will continue to host events to support your professional growth. We look forward to you joining us!

Jessica Kazigian, Co-President Learning Forward Connecticut

Melissa Hickey, Co-President Learning Forward Connecticut


Our Vision & Mission

Educate, Innovate, Transform, and Educator Professional Learning.

Join Learning Forward Affiliate

See how joining our parent organization, Learning Forward affiliate, can expand your learning networks!

See how joining our parent organization, Learning Forward Affiliate, can expand your learning networks!